Manage Your Travel Business with AI Connect

Ready to embark on a new era for travel agencies? We're excited to partner with Toby AI to bring you AI Connect!

AI Connect is your all-in-one marketing portal, blending TRAVELSAVERS exclusive supplier offers with the powerful insights of Toby, expertly trained in travel.


Elevate your agency’s marketing game with tailored, dynamic content designed to resonate with clients and close more sales.


It’s time to re-imagine how you promote your services and stand out in a competitive market!

Your Feature-Packed Travel Advisor Assistant

  • Advanced AI Chat

    AI Connect works right out of the box, offering powerful AI-driven chat capabilities. However, you also have the flexibility to personalize AI Connect to match your unique preferences and communication styles.

  • AI Document Editor

    Creating high-quality content is just the start. With AI Connect, editing that content is seamless, thanks to our AI-powered document editor, which ensures a smooth transition between content generation and refinement.

  • Continual Learning

    AI Connect leverages cutting-edge AI technology to continuously evolve and deepen its understanding of your business. This means more accurate and effective content creation as AI Connect learns and grows with your brand.

AI Connect by Toby is valued at $450+

With Levarté Travel, you can sign-up with an Annual Fee of $130.

*This version of Toby does not include Brand Voice feature

Getting Started with AI Connect.

  1. Complete the sign-up form on this page

  2. Wait 2-3 business days for your sign-up to be reviewed and the annual fee of $130 charged

  3. Follow the onboarding instructions to travel agency AI marketing bliss with your new best friend - Toby!